So many of you may have noticed that I haven't blogged since the beginning of the summer. I would love to tell you that I backpacked through Europe, hiked through the Amazon, and had a cross country road trip, but I didn't. I got a concussion that took me out for the summer. I didn't complete relatively anything that was on my summer bucket list.
I was also taken out of my ACT camp because my brain just couldn't function- I didn't know what an odd number was, I kept looking at the problem thinking that there was nothing weird or strange about it!
Anyways, while I didn't necessarily get the summer I wanted, I did get a part time job babysitting for a new family which I'm currently loving! The kids are also adorable- definately would not have happened if not for this concussion!
So how did this concussion happen you might wonder? I'm sure you're dying to know!
Wait for it..
Wait for it..
I went to the beach with my friend and we decided it would be fun to go tubing (not down the river type tubing, being pulled by a boat tubing.) I was honestly terrified and kept trying to think of excuses not to go until I remembered my pledge to say "yes" to new experiences (within reason of course, I'm not going to jump off a bridge if someone tells me too) and so I decided to man up and do it. I'm not going to lie, I had such an amazing time, it was a great experience and I would never change it, even after what happened.
My friend and I were having so much fun and we kept asking the driver to go faster and faster, we were going as fast as we were allowed to go and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, my friend's tube hit a wave and she went airborne headbutting me in my prefrontal cortex in the process. I just remember holding on for dear life as she hit me and grabing my head right after.
I don't remember anything else until the driver was trying to get me off my tube and onto the boat. I literally couldn't walk, my whole world was dizzy and everything was super confusing. I also didn't have my hearing aids on which made the whole experience even scarier. Thank god I didn't fall off my tube face first in the water or get my implant spot hit because that would not have been fun.
We relaxed for a few minutes and then I went tubing for another round thinking that what happened was not a big deal and that everything was fine even though my friend had to tell me what just happened and I couldn't remember my birthdate. (Really pissed at the driver, he should have spotted a concussion- I was not in the right mindset to speak for myself, I didn't know what it was.)
After tubing I went to my friends beach house, packed up my stuff and headed home where I was rushed to the emergency room by my dad and diagnosed officially with a concussion.
I was really scared/anxious at the emergency room, so the nurse gave me an angel which I still have.
The next month following that was a super boring one. I was not allowed to do anything. I sat in the dark all day staring at a blank wall. The highlight of my day was walking outside to get the mail and my night walks with my dad.
So here are some Concussion Do's and Don'ts:
Do bake/cook
Do draw/arts and crafts
Do sleep
Do walk
Do write (for a short period of time only)
Do garden work (Watering flowers, no planting)
Do light chores (emptying the dishwasher, laundry)
Do drink lots of water!
Do organize your room
Don't stare at screens (something I cheated at so badly)
Don't read (another one I cheated at)
Don't play board games (man I'm a rebel aren't I, did this one too)
Don't excersize (heavily, walks are fine)
Don't stare at the sun (pretty obvious isn't it?)
Looking back at this summer makes me want to cringe, I had some amazing experiences but I didn't do as much as I would like to have done. With tomorrow being the first day of my Junior Year, I know this year will be tough so I'm definately glad I had a concussion over the summer as opposed to during the year. I've changed so much this summer and I'm looking forward to see how that affects my school year. My style has also grown up a bit for sure!
Also, K, I don't blame you one bit for what happened! I'm still glad I went tubing and I wouldn't change that, I just wish the driver knew what he was doing. :(
The next few posts are going to be extremely interesting so look out! :)
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