Thursday, December 12, 2013

Snow Days!

The first snowfall finally came!! We actually got a day off from school because of it! It was so much fun and I loved it.

I woke up, ran to my window, started screaming like a little girl, and sprinted down the stairs when I saw the snow. I annoyed my Mom and brothers so much by doing that but I honestly didn't care! Winter is probably my favorite season because you get stay all warm, drink tea, hot chocolate, and spend quality time with your family which beats everything really.

So after I was done getting excited like a little kindergartener I went and listened to music for a good 2 hours. Then I ate lunch and shoveled the snow. When we finished shoveling we had a snowball fight which ended with a nice cup of hot chocolate!

Then I did my homework like a good girl, made some Christmas cookies and went to bed. It was a very satisfying day. Sometimes you need days like those once in a while.

This was the snow after Church on Sunday

At the end of the day on Tuesday. The scenery looked so beautiful from my backyard I had to take a picture. This still doesn't show how pretty it looked. I honestly stood there for 5 minutes just staring.

My brothers, I guess I love them... :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Crazy Adventures (Part 2)

So this is my Chicago Trip for Thanksgiving Part 2

The first thing I did after the party was go home and go straight to bed. (I got home at 3 in the morning... shhh!) Then I woke up early the next day (I can't sleep in past 10 and even that's late for me, I'm just weird like that) and my younger cousins were downstairs so I decided that we had to take a girls picture which we did.

She loves her Winnie the Pooh. I have the cutest cousins ever :) 
The older one is 2 and half while the baby is 6 months old.

Afterwards I went to my other cousins house and we had a nerf gun fight and played some rock band. I am probably the worst singer on the planet!! It's okay though, I had fun anyway.

We also played monopoly and apples to apples where my little cousin (She's 7) and I were a team- we did pretty well in apples to apples but unfortunately we didn't win.

Then on Saturday I went to some more cousins house where I played "house" and I was the "older sister" and my "mom" was my little 4 year old cousin (she's my twin because she also has hearing aids, which I helped her put on!!) and my "sister" was my 9 year old cousin. After about an two hours I had enough and we made flowers pens with duct tape. Then I went to hang out with my older cousins who are 18 and 25. (The 18yr old is in the cousin picture with me in my last post.)

I was having so much fun I forgot to take pictures :(

That night I went to my best friends house where I saw my 2 best friends and our hangout ended up looking something like this...

This is the most normal picture we took all night... And yes I am wearing 2 hats.

My friend does gymnastics so I put on her leotard as a bib (Don't ask why)

I think I look sexy but that's just me :)

My friend made me the Avatar (They had a bit too much fun with my makeup)

I also got to eat the famous Chicago style pizza while I was there which was amazing as always.

Pretty soon it was time to leave my first home and go back to where I actually lived. On the car ride home I got bored so I started taking pictures.

It's after Thanksgiving so it's officially okay to have this blanket! 
(And listen to Christmas Music, YAY!!!!)

So now I'm back at school and looking forward to my next big trip (Going skiing in Colorado for Christmas!) and the next time I get to go back home (January!)

BTW skiing is my favorite sport so it'll be intense.

Monday, December 2, 2013

My Crazy Adventures (Part 1)

I have been soooooo unbelievably busy recently so this post is going to be split into 2 parts. I'll start with things that happened 2 weekends ago and work my way forward.

So there was another great big party for the Croatians and this time the Canadians from Oakville came and partyed with us which was very exciting. I wasn't taking as many picture at this event as I should have but I did manage to grab a picture with my NYC friends and my new Canadian Friends.

It was very fun and we played the accent game where I found out that Canadians say "eh" quite a bit at the end of their sentences. Apparently I draw out the 'a' sound a lot when a word contains the letter 'a'. It made for a very interesting conversation I can tell you that!

After that nothing exciting really happened until Thanksgiving came around and my family I drove out to Chicago to visit our family and friends. It was really nice to see everybody and it was weird to see my friends because they looked so much older and more mature than the last time I saw them.

So I had Turkey day without eating any Turkey (shame on me right!!) but instead of Turkey I had a schnitzel that contained chicken on the outside that was wrapped around ham and cheese inside. I call them zagrebački šnicle. It is on my list of favorite dishes. It kinda would have looked weird if I took pictures of my food at someone else's house so of course that means you'll just have to look look it up and what all the fuss is about and fall in love!!

That night we went to my other aunt's (I call her teta) house and ate some more (dessert's this time- my all time favorite Thanksgiving dessert is Pumpkin Pie.)

Then we picked out Secret Cousins and all the older kids got to go to the Thanksgiving Mladež or social at the Chicago Croatian Church. There I saw all of my Chicago Croatian friends. (I took a couple more pictures here!)

I really missed these girls!

My older cousin Ivana

The 'triplets' (another story for another day) but they're also my cousins.

I hope you enjoyed this post- it feels good to be writing them again! Tomorrow I'll show you the second half of my trip where I hung out with more of my cousins and took some pretty stupid/crazy pictures with some of my other best friends I left behind in Chicago.