Monday, March 14, 2016

Addiction: Social Media

More Specifically: Instagram Likes
One of my posts.

I wrote this in January and was not really sure I wanted to share it. But, I think it's important to discuss the issue so here goes:

One of the things I mentioned in my New Years resolutions was that I wanted to be more open on my blog and write more posts with content that makes my readers think. I'm still going to post about my life because I like sharing what I do everyday on my blog but I also want more content on it, I want people to think about what they've read and walk away knowing that they did not waste five minutes that they could have spent doing something else.

In the midst of a huge snowstorm in January I was pretty much locked up in my house. I spent a few hours studying and then when I finally went outside to play in the snow I thought about the great photo opportunity I was presented with. The landscape was beautiful and I was having fun. I asked my younger brother to make snow angels with me in exchange for wrestling around in the snow.

When it came time to take the photo I was so wrapped up about having the photo exactly the way I wanted it to be. I was being very annoying and kept asking for photo retakes in order to take the perfect shot. Instagram perfect that is. My mom had to climb to the balcony (it was covered in snow..) just to take the picture above. How far are people willing to go for the "perfect shot?" What does "Instagram perfect" even mean? For me, it means making it work with my esthetic. I would post specific pictures that I'd hope would get a certain amount of likes as well (but I still posted pictures that stayed true to myself.)

Once I actually post the photo I step away from Instagram, I actually turned off my social media notifications so that it could help me get less obsessed over how many likes I was getting. I would refuse to go back onto the social media platform for about a few hours and then check.

If I was not within a certain range of likes I would start to freak out about what was wrong with my picture, what did people not like about it, did I post it to soon or too late, should I not have posted this picture at all?

The reality of it is, I was overthinking it and becoming a bit obsessive about it. I was addicted. I did not realize it at first but when I was finally able to step back from it I acknowledged how stupid it all was. Why did I have this need for likes on social media? What did getting a like mean in the long run?

I don't know if people who read my blog know this but I love psychology, naturally I decided to use that love and look up my problem to see if I could piece together an answer.

Basic Conclusion: Humans have a desire to be liked by others. When someone gives us a like we feel good and have a rush of euphoria. The problem with this and social media is that we barely know some of the people liking our pictures. They see the photo for a second and don't remember it later. They aren't thinking about the impact of their one click on the screen. Why should they? And why should one click have such a big impact on our happiness and give us unnecessary anxiety?

Unfortunately I don't really have a solution to the problem. The whole point of social media is to share what you're doing and get social acceptance for doing it- there really isn't any way around that. I think the most important thing to do is accept it and not worry about topping your last Instagram photo. Where is that really going to get you in life? I don't think people should be posting photos of certain things just because that's what their followers like the most. Post it because it accurately represents who you are. Likes don't matter. I'll continue to turn off social media notifications and not look at Instagram right away. I should post the photo to share my life regardless of whether or not people like it, because I do.

I love showing the fun things I'm doing in life. My dad just recently took me to a Flyer's Game, it was so fun! I love hockey and it was such a last minute amazing surprise.

I also share other things I love such as skiing and sailing.


I wish there was an outlet that could show the cool things people do without needing the approval of others liking it. I guess it's good to learn not to let things bother you as much.

I just want to know where I'm attending College. :/

But I'm going skiing in Colorado with my dad and cousin/godmother Friday and I'm looking forward to doing something fun!

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