Monday, May 2, 2016

University Selection and IB Exams

So Excited :)

I picked where I'm going to school! I'm not going to post where I'm going on my blog because this is viewable to the public and I do need to be a slightly careful about what I post online. It probably will come out eventually, but not yet. Private information on the internet is no good! My school colors have stayed the same though. I'm still repping red, white, and black and I couldn't be more excited! I'm also going to be on the sailing club team- a requirement when I was deciding between schools.

As I was searching things about college I found some online resources that I thought would be useful for others. This article is great for finding school supplies (which I'm buying at the end of this month since I'm away the majority of the summer) and some YouTube videos on how to prepare for college and the transition from High School to College. The one that I linked also helps Juniors and rising Seniors learn about the application process and what kind of colleges to apply too. Try also YouTube searching the name of your school to get more specific videos, someone will have uploaded something!
(Beware of the article and videos I linked as they are more geared towards females but guys can still use them.)

I will have more posts as I begin getting ready for college, orientation, and everything I do surrounding it. I will make a list myself of everything I actually end up buying and loading into my car and share it with my blog in case others want to get an idea. I will also be documenting what my college experience is like when I actually arrive. I definitely want to get back into blogging again- I love looking back at what I've written and I hate seeing gaps where I don't have anything.

The next topic I wanted to address was IB exams. I just had my English Paper 1 and it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Besides the fact that I wrote the wrong question number and almost handed my paper in, realized it, and then quickly changed it. Goodness, I would not have gotten any credit at all if I had kept that mistake! 

What I really wanted to talk about was that I had a MAJOR panic attack yesterday, like the worst one since sophomore year when I began seriously having them.

I had just finished sailing yesterday and then it dawned on me that the exams I was preparing for these past two years were actually here. I was expected to sit down and take them these next three weeks. I was crying like I never have before, I kid you not, I was crying from 3:00pm-5:00pm (2 HOURS and the first hour I was in the car driving home!!!) and I was freaking out about not getting my IB Diploma. I was a mess. But I ate some food, relaxed, reviewed, went to bed, got up the next morning and took my exam. I also realized that these exams don't matter that much for me, at this point I'm taking them for personal gain. I would love to do well and I'm definitely going to give it my all, but I don't want to be let down if I don't do well. Honestly, I'm thankful I don't have a conditional offer into college where my admission depends on these scores. I could not deal with the added stress of that.

This post was definitely more personal and not as content based as my last one- but not every post will be super thoughtful. Sometimes you need to vent (reasonably) and just know that someone, somewhere, is listening :)

Right now I'm feeling pretty good. I have one English exam left tomorrow and then I don't have an exam until Friday. My most stressful ones coming up would be the entirety of Spanish and the History Paper 3 (based on the entirety of Junior year material that I've kind of forgotten..)

Wish me luck- and good luck to others taking IB exams. We've got this!

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