Monday, June 15, 2015

School is Out

Where did my junior year go? How am I a SENIOR in High School?
As always my first day of school is on the left and my last day is on the right.

This year has been pretty busy to say the least. Between trying new clubs and activities to substitute for running and soccer, becoming closer with my friends as well as making countless others, becoming more daring, finally finding myself, and taking a tough IB courseload, it's sure been an eventful rollercoaster ride.
(I know it's a bit dramatic but it's kind of true, I've learned a lot about myself and finally became "me" this year.)
The clubs and acitivites I've joined this year consist of:
Swimming, which I thought I would enjoy but I got really anxious about competing and so I never went to meets. I only ever went to practices which is really bad.
Sailing, which is something I had no clue what would be like. What I took away from it was that I liked it more than I thought I would, I kinda love it a lot, like, a lot a lot. I think it actually helped my anxieties, I always felt a million times better when I went out on the water and felt the wind in my face and breathed in the air. I learned a lot too, but I definitely want to sail a sunfish this summer in order to understand it a bit better and figure it out myself.

I already miss this- I'm itching to sail this summer!

Newspaper, which I knew I would love, I have a blog for crying out loud!
Yoga, I'm trying to start a yoga club at my school! I had one session this year and it was a success. It will officially kick off next year and I'm really excited! It's a great way to stay active which is something I really miss- it left me feeling very sore the next day! I was also surprisingly calm- it's great for absolving anxiety.
I do plenty of other activities as well but these are the ones I joined/started this year. I can tell you that 3/4 have been successful and I'm glad I joined/started them!
My friends are awesome. I honestly love how we all fill in the gaps in the friendship between Kyleen's blonde hair, Sarah's red, and my brown. Bonus- we all have blue eyes :)
(We don't fill in the gaps with just our looks, everyone has amazing friendship qualities too.)

We are weirdo's... The funny thing is that Sarah didn't even know we were taking this picture.

My Initials <3

RANDOM: So I was sitting in the car with my brother and the music he was playing was very upbeat (my favorite kind!) and so we rolled the windows down and I started pumping my hand out the window, it was a great ride! It's little things like this that I miss when he's away at school.
Goodbye Junior Year - Hello Summer
Is it weird that I'm already anxious and summer just began? I think so..
Anyways, I'm sort of anxious about summer if that makes any sense. I want to create memories this summer you know? I want this summer to be something I remember. (I really don't know why I feel so sentimental today.. Tomorrow's post will be more exciting don't worry!) I'm also anxious with the idea of staying in contact with all my friends. I know I'm not going to see everyone and I just don't want to lose touch with people. I think that's what I'm most anxious about right now, communication.
Sorry if my problems bore you- I promise I'm a fun person!

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