So a bunch of my friends showed up at my house a few nights ago and we decided to have a movie night. You can probably guess what we watched.
If you're still confused we saw this movie called Soul Surfer which is about this girl named Bethany Hamilton who loses her arm to a 14 foot Tiger Shark at 13 years old. This movie is so empowering because it shows the audience how Bethany is able to overcome this obstacle and still become one of the best surfers in the world. If you haven't seen this movie yet I'd highly recommend it. It definitely makes you appreciate what you have and motivates you to try harder.
Also, I've seen it three times (once in the theatre) and I never get sick of watching it, her story is really amazing and it's so much more meaningful since it's based off of a true story.
I was so interested in her story when the movie first came out in 2011 that I researched the heck out of it. The movie is pretty accurate in the events, but it doesn't tell you that Bethany lost 60% of her blood and was near death. She also went back into the water to surf again just 3 weeks after the attack.
I think the part of her story that moves me is that she was so determined to surf again even though she lost her arm in a shark attack. She got past her fear and worked hard at it and look at where she is today! She's a professional surfer!
My friends and I loved the movie and we got kind of goofy after it was over.
I'm a pro surfer *flips hair*
I have a hard time explaining my friends to other people...
Anxiety Free!
Although.. While we're on the subject of Sharks, just thought I'd mention that it's one of the three things that scares me most. (I still LOVE watching Shark Week. I think I have a huge fascination yet terrible fear of sharks.)
I actually had this reccuring dream before starting sailing. I was on this two person boat with someone and we had turtled (when the boat tips all the way over). We were under the boat and there were sharks swimming in a circle around us. We were so terrified and we were just trying so hard to not freak out and I had to tell myself to calm down and not get a panic attack since that wouldn't help anyone in this situation. I thought we were going to die. We grabbed a big gulp of air and found a gap in the sharks circle and started swimming to the dock. (Thank God we were really close to it, maybe 10 feet away) and then as I was lifting myself back to the dock I woke up.
It was such a terrifying dream that I had maybe three times before starting the sailing season. Once the season started and I was reassured that no sharks would be in the water the dreams stopped. I think I'm actually going to do a post on dreams because mine are way more vivid than normal and I sometimes mix them up with reality (I'm not even kidding).
My fears:
Spiders/Bugs, Sharks, Being home alone (especially when showering)
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