I went paddle boarding with my friend Sarah today! We went to Marsh Creek which I mentioned in this blog post.
I plan on spending a lot more time there this summer when I get back from Croatia! I really want to windsurf and kayak next. I love my water activities!
So how do you get on a paddle board?
Step 1: Take the paddle and grab it shoulder length away.
Step 2: Make fists on the board and kneel on it one knee at a time.
Step 3: Use your paddle to navigate-- it takes a lot of arm strength that I don't have...
All smiles!

Working on my sun tan because what else would I be doing?


Paddle Boarding was a blast and I absolutely loved it! I'm so bad at it though so I need more practice, it also ended up hurting my knees a lot since I was on them all the time. The best part was when I was standing up but I kept getting too scared to do it.
I didn't fall in if you were wondering and neither did my friend Sarah but it was so hot out that she went in to dip and then threatened to tip my board over if I didn't join her since it felt so good. I unwillingly obliged. Boy am I glad I did because it felt great! We were hilarious trying to get back on the boards though, we were laughing at each other the whole time and I felt like a turtle sprawled on the board by the time I finally got back on.
Otherwise, I'd highly reccommend paddle boarding! You can even do yoga on them but I was not ready for that advanced stuff, Sarah did daringly venture with the tree pose successfully.
Oh yea, this is my last blog post while being 16! Tomorrow I will be blogging for the first time as a 17 year old, I'm super excited!
Typical me.. Who else would be anxious about their birthday? I'm scared of getting old. Being 16 has taught me so much and I feel like I'm finally wrapping it up. It's so weird. I feel like I really matured this year, especially within the past few days. I've just been realizing that it isn't important to get so caught up on things and to always be open to try new ones. I think I was so set on one outcome for my year and when it didn't happen, I was just upset. Now that I've come to terms with the way my Junior Year ended and how my summer began I'm ready to be my happy old self again and start over, especially with turning 17.
I guess I'm just anxious because I don't want to have such high expectations because it sets you up for failure, but at the same time I don't want to lower my standards. I just want to turn a new leaf and try again with everything and just be okay with how it ends even if it isn't the way I wanted it to. I want to keep my options open as well and not be so focused on one thing.
Alright, now that I have some important life lessons down, I'm ready to turn 17!
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