Monday, June 1, 2015

Health Kick

Being healthy doesn't have to be difficult. The most common misconception with being healthy is that you are going on a diet.

I don't believe in diets, I think it's important to go with how you feel about yourself.

I have to be honest, I don't always eat the most healthy of foods. But then again you're probably doing something wrong if you never give yourself a cookie once in a while. I think that's another thing that is commonly misinterpreted about being healthy. You shouldn't cut out sweets from your diet, that's setting yourself up for failure!

Instead, eat a balanced diet of both. If you've been eating sweets a lot, tone it down the rest of the week by eating healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables. It's a much easier way to live when you don't have to constantly freak out. However, you are going to need to have some motivation and temptation to stay balanced.

Today after school I made myself a smoothie and had an apple strudel to go with it.

I used a bowl of blueberries.

A spoon and a half of chia seeds. (They're insanely good for you!)

Filled the blender with orange juice until it was just covering the blueberries. I added three cubes of ice and blended until it didn't need to be blended anymore.

The finished result was delicious. A simple, yet effective after school snack that fills you up and satisfies you.

Eating healthy shouldn't be a chore, it should just be a part of your daily life. Indulging in unhealthy foods is okay as long as you don't do it in excess.

If you have a huge slice of cake one day and then a bowl of ice cream the next, try to snack on nuts, berries, raisins, smoothies, or yogurt for the rest of the week. You could also make your own fruit pops if something cool is needed during the summer months.

Another after school snack I frequently make consists of:
- 4 spoonfuls of plain greek yogurt
- A spoon and a half of chia seeds
- Honey 
I mix everything together and enjoy! If you wanted to you could add any type of fruit to it, try changing up the fruit to give it a different flavor.

While eating right is great and a huge factor in how you feel, exercise is equally as important. Get off your butt and kick a soccerball around with your sibling, ride a bike, swim in a pool, or go for a walk at least three times a week. 

Don't tell yourself you'll do it tomorrow, tomorrow starts today!

I found a great post called the Anti-Diet that you should check out, It sort of started my health kick about two months ago and I've already been feeling so much better about myself. It's definitely been difficult to stay away from eating ice cream every day since it's been burning hot outside recently (except for today) but eating healthier makes me feel more energized. 

I also recommend almond nuts, it's a weird food to like but after eating a handful I feel so full which is ten times better than eating an ice cream sandwich and still feeling hungry.

I haven't really been all that anxious recently which is fantastic! I finished my IB Biology SL exam at the beginning of this month and it feels so liberating to be done. I still have finals next week (I'll show you how I study for those soon) and I end school next friday. I still can't believe that I'm a week away from being a senior.

Where does the time go?

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