Wednesday, June 1, 2016

My Freaky Fudge

By my previous quinoa post you probably thought I was a super healthy person (or not..) but today, as promised, I baked. My mom told me that the recipe had to be a no-oven-bake one so as not to get the house all heated up. I decided to made fudge and this is what it looked like in the end!

I'm going to take you through the process of making this bad boy, because this was not difficult!

First things first, how do you make it?

To prepare the fudge you need:

1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup milk chocolate chips
1.5 cups sweetened condensed milk
2 teaspoons vanilla

First: Line a pan with waxed paper, as you can see this was difficult to do so in this photo it is sitting on top of the pan.

Next: Mix ALL of the ingredients together EXCEPT for the vanilla with the heat on low.

Then: Once the mixture reaches a smooth level comparable to the photo above, then take it off the heat and mix in your vanilla. I love vanilla so I always squirt in a little extra.

Finally: When the mixture is well blended put it on the wax paper pan. Immediately put in the fridge so that it can chill and harden.

I got this recipe from a book I used as a kid called Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Yummy Cookbook, it has some great recipe's that are simple yet tasty.

If all you want is a simple fudge than you can stop here. If you want it bedazzled the way I have it at the top keep on reading!

The first topping I added was Chocolate Buttercream Frosting. As you can tell this recipe is very unhealthy, it's okay to indulge once in a while!

To prepare the chocolate buttercream frosting you will need:

3 tablespoons of butter
1 cup of confectioner's sugar
3 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder
4 tablespoons of milk
1/4 teaspoon of vanilla

First: Beat the butter. I could not find my mom's electric mixer and was disappointed to find that it was right in front of my bowl the entire time... Whatever, it was a great arm workout!

Next: Add everything else and mix well. If you are using a spatula and your hands this is fine. If you are using any electronic device add and mix slowly. This is what the end product should look like. I added a lot more milk to make it soupier and I already accounted for that in the ingredients list (it sounds gross but really I just wanted it more runny since fudge is very hard.) If you want it thicker only put in 2 tablespoons of milk or less.

Finally: Go grab your fudge from the fridge and pour the frosting on top. Before pouring frosting on top make sure that your fudge is stable/hard enough and looks like the picture below.

Now pour your frosting on top and spread it across the fudge.

Immediately after put the fudge back into the fridge.

I got this recipe from and changed the measurements so that it only made 10 servings. I also added almost double the amount of milk.

The final topping I decided to put on would be the marshmallow mixture. This is very simple and took a grand total of about 10 seconds (okay maybe 5 minutes) and is extremely simple to make.

To prepare the marshmallow topping you will need:

A bit of butter
2 JUMBO marshmallows

First: Put the heat on simmer and mix it up. It helps to try and cut down the marshmallow so that it melts a bit easier. It should end up looking like this.

Finally: Go back to the fridge and grab your fudge again. Pour the marshmallow topping on top and spread it around a little. Do this quickly because marshmallows are sticky and will not move where you want them after a minute.

Put this back into the fridge to finish hardening and viola, a finished creation! Be sure to clean up your mess in the kitchen. Are you proud of me mom? :)

I had my IB exit interview, handed in my high school laptop, lounged by the pool for three hours, did a 25 minute swimming workout, read, and watched some TV today. It's been pretty chill.

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