1. Write in a Notebook- Whenever I go to bed and know that I'm not going to be able to sleep, I open up the notebook, write down the date and everything that is on my mind. I don't leave out a single thing that could keep me from falling asleep. Nobody else will read your notebook so why does it matter anyway? Below is a picture of my anxiety notebook.
2. The next step is going back to bed and trying to fall asleep, it sounds like the hard part but the weird thing is, after writing in my anxiety notebook it's so much easier to sleep at night. However if that's not enough try relaxing all your muscles starting from your feet. What I do is pretend that it's gone numb, I wait a few seconds and then I move up a little bit more all the way to my head. The last thing you should relax are your eyes. Make sure while doing this that you don't think about anything other than relaxing that part of your body- if stressful thoughts start poking in your head it defeats the purpose!
I hope this helps guys! The anxiety notebook isn't only for bedtime either- use it whenever you need to. It also helps if you have stress over something, writing it all out helps to organise your brain so that you can focus on one portion at a time instead of overwhelming yourself with the whole picture.
PS- Sorry for the lack of pictures in this post!