Thursday, November 21, 2013

Artsy Things

Hey Guys! I thought it would be cool to share what I've been doing recently and what I've taken up.

I participate in my schools Art Club and I wanted to show you some stuff that I have finished or currently am working on.

I did a zentangle of my hand and this is how it came out looking. (I'm pretty proud of it!)

You can't see this one as well, but I just started making a portrait of Emma Waston.

I also decided that I wanted to learn to become ambidextrous (able to write with both hands) and that should be exciting!!! Basically I got the idea from my English class because ambidextrous was one of my vocabulary words and I thought it would be a cool experiment. I'll see how that turns out and show you guys how bad my handwriting looks once I start.

*Just a Heads Up*
I have some very exciting things going on this weekend that I will blog about soon!!!! :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

SIG Soccer Game

Hey Guys! The first quarter in school finally ended so hopefully I'll have time to blog more often!

Anyways, yesterday I went to my Dad's company soccer game, which he played...
It was over thirties vs. under thirties and it was hilarious to watch!!! I'm guessing you know which team my dad played for (*Hint- he's over 30!)

But yeah, I took some pictures and here's what it looked like.
Most of my good photos got deleted- I'm not even going to go into that story but here's what I have left

Blue Shirts are Under 30 and Black Shirts are Over 30

My Cool (Wink-Wink) Dad taking a well needed break

I had a pretty good weekend and I have some fun things going this week that I'm excited to share with you so stay posted!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Nutella Topping

I'm not quite sure if I invented something or not... Either way I love it and I'm going to be eating it for a long time! Meet man's best creation:

*drum roll please*

the Nutella topping!

I honestly love Nutella, It tastes oh so good with everything and anything. I now have another reason that I love it- read below you chocolate lover!!

It's creamy, melted, chocolatey goodness, and i'm going to tell you how to make it.

You Will Need:
Ice Cream of Choice (I used Turkey Hill's Cookies and Cream) OR
Anything that you would want to put molten Nutella on
Microwave Safe Bowl

Step 1: To start you're going to want to spoon out 2 spoonfuls of Nutella into the microwave safe bowl. (Depending on how much ice cream you have this can vary- I had a big bowl so you may want a little less.)

Step 2: Put in the microwave for 35 seconds. Make sure your Nutella doesn't get soupy.

I sort of forgot to take a picture of this part so here's the bowl after I poured it onto my ice cream.

Step 3: While you are waiting for your Nutella to be done in the microwave spoon out as much ice cream as you want into a bowl OR get your dessert ready.

Step 4: Slowly pour the Nutella over your ice cream/dessert. As you pour it over it should thicken a bit as the ice cream is quite cold.

Step 5: Watch TV, relax, and enjoy!

Please don't get mad a me! I know that ice cream is out of season but you know, I still had some in my fridge and I couldn't let it sit there...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Locks of Love Foundation

So today I have a day off from school so it was the perfect day for me to get my hair cut. Yup, I cut it! This is my fourth time participating in the Locks of Love Foundation and I love how doing something so simple like cutting your hair can mean a lot to someone who may not have any.

My mom found out about the Locks of Love Foundation through the internet. I had really long hair and she wanted me to get it cut short since it was getting difficult to take care of. She found the organization as a way for me to want to cut my hair. She knew that I loved helping kids so naturally I said yes right away, since then i've continued to grow my hair and cut it!

As many of may or may not know i'm deaf and I had cochlear implant surgery when I was 5 years old. (Click here to read more about that.) I just remember wanting to help other little kids because I knew that there were worse things out there than being deaf. I also only spent a week in the hospital and I hated it! I couldn't imagine having to stay longer than that so it was nice to be able to do something for them. I also think there's something special about having a kid help out another kid- It sort of shows them that you've got their back and you're here for them.

Plus it only takes about a year and half for me to go from super short to really long hair so it's not really difficult to do.

Below are some before and after pictures- what do you think?!

*You only need to donate at least 10 inches so that Locks of Love can make your hair into a wig! I donated about 11 inches since my hair is has so many split ends on it and they probably couldn't use that part.

Click here to find out more about the Locks of Love Foundation.