Monday, February 16, 2015

Villanova University

Apparently I have a thing with schools that have the letter V in their names..

So anyways I visited Villanova on thursday which was a pretty easy since it's close to where I live. This is by far the closest school I'm looking at which scares me slightly since I'm going to be so near to home. (Distance is not the deciding factor for me, I'm going to be living at school either way. Move in day would be convenient though.)

So my mom and I once again hopped in the car, and drove to Villanova. I had my reservations and was slightly anxious (haha) about the school since it was a little too urban for me and I wasn't sure that I wanted to be near anything really. I prefer the middle-of-nowhere college town feel.

The school was relatively easy to navigate since they had signs leading you everywhere which was great. I disliked that it was by a busy street, I found that to be annoying. I have to give it to them though because as soon as you stepped on campus it felt like you were secluded from the outside world which I found very appealing.

As soon as we got to the admissions building we were greeted by a very nice lady who offered us hot beverages and told us to make ourselves at home. It was a very comforting atmosphere. The students were walking around and answering people's questions- it was great to see the effort they put into the whole process.

The tour guides were very friendly and the atmosphere on campus reminded me of the midwest. Everybody wants to help each other succeed and it's a team process. I think the religion aspect of the school is appealing as well because it brings everybody on campus closer together.

This was one of the only schools that actually let us visit a dorm room on the tour which was pretty cool! I've been to a dorm before since my older brother is currently in college but It's always interesting to see how students live at other schools.

The academics are great at the school as well which I had already researched. As the tour ended I found myself liking it a lot more which is fantastic! I think my favorite part of the school was the family feel and I felt like I could be at home there.

Here is my conclusion:

I loved the academics, the fact that the people there were genuinely nice, it had a great midwestern feel to it which reminded me of home, they had writing and math help centers on campus, it had a nice family feel, and it's a catholic school. The only reservation I still have on it is that I didn't love that it was closer to the city- I like being forced to stay on campus, I want the campus to be the center of social life. (But if that's the only thing I didn't love about it, it's doing pretty good!)

Honestly the school was awesome and it's definitely a contender!

In case you were wondering, I will not be comparing schools on my blog since I don't really want to do that and my opinions are constantly changing. When I get to the point where I need to decide on a school then maybe I will. (But that won't be until April of next year.)
The picture is from google images

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