Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Breckenridge: Day 7

"Maybe it's your time to lift off and fly"

Today was mostly about the packing and getting ready to leave. I woke up at 4 am because I was so sick and nasal-y. I was just not feeling well. I got up and tiptoed around the condo and went to the bathroom to blow my nose. Then I climbed into my parents bed because even though I'm almost an adult that is still the best thing to do when you're sick.

We then left the condo at around 12:30, said goodbye to my brother and his friend who are staying for an extra week, and headed to the Dillon Dam Brewery where I ordered the Vienna Beer Cheese Soup.

The place was so crowded with people and I was starving so I took a nice picture of the place.

The soup was surprisingly good. I was not quite sure if it would be too cheesy or too meaty or too vegetable-y but it was none of the above. I really enjoyed it and finished the entire bowl off. It had really subtle flavors that worked very well with each other. After eating we headed to the airport.

On the way to the airport I listened to one of my favorite podcasts called Serial. I finished the first season and am now on the second. I am so hooked on this! Anyone who enjoys true stories that are also sort of mysterious and CSI-ish would absolutely love this! I'm on the third episode of the second season and it's getting pretty intense. The first season was about the murder of Kai Min Lee and tried to solve the question of whether or not the convicted murderer, Adnan Seyed, was actually the person who committed the crime. The second season is about Bowe Bergdahl and discusses why he deserted his post in Afghanistan and whether or not he should be charged.

I love how the stories are real, it really makes it more interesting.

Ugh. I hate the end of vacations, they always put me in a sour mood. Now I really need to begin writing my extended essay and get all of my school stuff done and begin preparing for midterm exams.

On the bright side- I'm going to Los Angeles in 4 weeks and I need to go shopping so I'm super excited for that! 

When I get back to Philly I also have New Years to look forward too. I can't believe it's going to be 2016. All I can think of is how great this year will be! 2016 will be a year full of endings and new beginnings. I'll be submitting my Extended Essay, all of my Internal Assessments, I'll finish the International Baccalaureate Program (amazed at how easily I was just able to spell Baccalaureate..), I'm going to graduate, I'll be going to Croatia, and I'll be beginning University at who knows where yet.. But guess what? I'll know where I'm attending this year too. Tomorrow I'll talk more about what I did in 2015 and then New Years day I'll discuss my plans for the year.

For now, goodbye Colorado, you've treated me well :)

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