Saturday, December 26, 2015

Breckenridge: Day 3

"But baby it's cold outside"
-4 degrees

Swiss miss hot cocoa with marshmallows on top

Today was bit lazier, it was so cold and it was snowing outside in the morning that we decided not to ski right away. Instead my brothers and I played mini golf. My younger brother beat us.. Again..

Then my mom, younger brother, and I played a game of Name 5 where my younger brother yet again beat us.

For anyone who hasn't played Name 5, it's basically just a game where you have to name 5 items in 30 seconds. These can be easy or hard. For example, one of my brother's cards was to name 5 disney princesses (easy). I had to name 5 rock stars who were shot (hard) and I could only name John Lennon... It's a fun game that gets loud very fast.

It stopped snowing for a bit so I went outside and took some pictures with my nice camera. It was a beautiful blue sky day.

Anyone considering going to Breckenridge- don't even think twice! Going to Breckenridge has been a Christmas tradition in my family and I never get sick of skiing the slopes here. The terrain has a bit for everyone (a great mix of blues and blacks, and some greens) which makes it super family friendly which I love. 

I love seeing parents teach their little kids to ski on the green runs and then seeing other little kids rush past me on double black runs. It's a nice atmosphere to be in.

Typically the day after Christmas is packed with skiers (especially considering the fact that today was Saturday) but because it was so cold outside today there was about the same amount of people as yesterday.

Base of Peak 9

My older brother and dad went out skiing for a bit. They came back in, we ate lunch, waited a half hour for the food to settle and then all went out to enjoy the slopes.

Look at that view! Looking up never fails to take my breath away.

I went back in after 2 runs because it was so cold and I couldn't take it. It was a bit too much for me to bear.

I'm having a lazy day now for the most part. My parents are working on a puzzle and my brothers are playing video games as I blog. I'm listening to Taylor Swift's first Album. I've been on a Taylor Swift binge recently- I love it!

I'll probably surf the internet a bit, read some blog posts, and then start reading Wuthering Heights- a book that I just can't get myself to read. I loved Hamlet but this book is painful for me to even turn the pages. This is partly why I think I procrastinated so badly on it. I was supposed to have read it a couple of months ago but I didn't have any time (until now) so I think I'm going to be a good student and get on that so I'm prepared for my Individual Oral Commentary in January.

Tomorrow we're going out for dinner so the blog post may come a bit later since I would like to blog a bit of the town and of the food.

Anxiety Free :)

Think my blog is done being updated for now. Although, I've been thinking of changing my blog name from The Anxious Me to Andela Matija. Not sure, need to think about that.. That would be a bit of a serious change that I don't want to irrationally make so we'll see, if you have an opinion let me know please. It's just a possible idea that could potentially go nowhere, I just want to think about it.

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