I spent Thanksgiving in the Windy City this year (again) and I had the time of my life! It was so great to see everyone I knew again and just talk to my family and friends about everything that has been going on in my life. The Bears also won on Thanksgiving, I watched the game and was so proud to be from Chicago. The defense really showed their skills during the last play. I was so impressed!
Anyhow, my Thanksgiving started with Lunch. Croatian style of course! I first ate with my grandparents on my dads side, then went to visit my family on my moms side for dessert.
We ate mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing, burned potatoes, turkey, and then the part that makes this all Croatian- stuffed cabbage. I absolutely love this stuff. I didn't even reach for turkey this year and was perfectly fine with it. Stuffed cabbage consists of beef and rice stuffed in a cabbage (not a fan of the cabbage part.) I personally like stuffed peppers better but this is good too. I guess you could say I'm kind of picky..

We then had dessert but I didn't take a picture of it. I was too busy eating it!
Anyway, I took a really powerful photo with my cousin Ana who has hearing aids in both ears. I ended up instagramming it since I thought it was something unique and something I should be thankful for on Thanksgiving. I love that she loves having hearing aids and that I make having hearing aids cool for her. Whenever she sees me she gets so excited and says: "My twinsy is here!!" and she shows me her hearing aids right away. It's the cutest thing and it makes me so happy that we share this in common.
We then took our cousin photo after eating our fill of dessert. We're in order of birth- I have a lot of cousins!
My grandma on my moms side crashed the photo. She came from Croatia for Thanksgiving and will stay until just after Christmas. (She's in Philly right now with us until Sunday night and then she goes back to Chicago, I've been having so much fun with her this past week!) I felt so blessed to have all of my family there. Of course we were missing someone very special (my late grandfather) but it still felt great to spend time together.
Around 10:30ish (after the Bears won the football game) the older cousins headed out to spend time with our Croatian friends. I spent most of my night with my friend Anita and my friend Lidija (who I didn't get a photo with unfortunately) We danced and caught up about school and life. It was weird talking about college and where we could all end up. I'm seeing them again in April and I'm so excited!!
My cousin Ivana and I. Don't we look like family?! I'm hoping to visit her at college soon!

The triplets from youngest to oldest!

The day after (I got home at 3am..) I hung out with my cousins on my moms side again and we played Headbands disney style and Payday which were both super fun! I miss them already and they better come for my high school graduation so I can spend more time with them.
*this is especially aimed at you Gloria!!! :)*

Us playing Headbands- do you need more proof of how much fun we had?

All of the girl cousins in a selfie

That night I hung out with my best friends in Chicago. Our friendship has been rock solid since 5th grade and has lasted my move to Philadelphia. Every time I see them it's like nothing has changed and it's like old times. I love them to death and this year they *better* visit me in Philly, hopefully for MLK day weekend!
We played Settlers of Catan with my older brother and his friend (Franki's brother) and then played super smash brothers with them, and then went back up to Franki's room until I left at 1:30am.
I didn't get much sleep on this trip if you can't tell!
These are my girl cousins on my dads side and I spent a ton of time with them too.
Viktoria is on my lap and Lana is on the ground. They're both so hilarious. Lana repeats everything you say and the three of us have a "secret handshake" and I can't tell you what it is or I'll be breaking code.. Sorry ;)

Then I went ice skating with my cousins on my moms side.

I taught Marijana how to ice skate (she's right in front of me) and I fell once on top of her when I couldn't catch her. But it made for a ton of laughs! Then I taught Ana how to ice skate (my twin!) and she was pulling me along and wanted to go faster. I also didn't catch her once and fell hard on my side, I have a huge bruise there now and it still hurts.
Also, how swag is my hat?! My aunt let me borrow it since I forgot to bring a hat with me on the trip. It's so much colder in Chi Town than it is in Philly.

Cute cousin selfie

She's pulling me along!

I also skated with Gloria and we had some time to catch up and do our own thing while Marijana and Ana were taking a break.

I feel so blessed to have as great of family and friends as I do and I can't wait to go back to Chicago. It'll always be my home.
So I haven't really been anxious. All is solid right now.
Just kidding.
School has been so stressful recently. I have so much work to do and I just want to know where I'm going to college. I've also been a bit stressed over some friend drama that's been going on- nothing bad- but I feel a bit awkward (even though I shouldn't) and I really need to get over it and just go back to being my old self with my friend again.
I can't wait for Christmas! I got new skis and I can't wait to show them off and show off some cool moves in them!
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