"You're the UNO one I need!"
We played UNO after skiing today and Mom won.

Today was ALL about the skiing. I woke up and hit the slopes by 10 am. I met my dad (who was already skiing) at the top of Peak 9 and then we made our way over to the T-Bar. This time I did not fall off the T-Bar but got onto it the first time! Last time I also sat on it without realizing you weren't supposed to. Mid-way my dad was complaining about how heavy the Bar was and then I got up and let it drag me. This time I didn't sit on the T-Bar and I got quite the ab workout.
Anton did not come with us because his feet were freezing after the first run.
^read above sign
From the top of the T-Bar we went even further to the Imperial Lift- the view from the top is below.
I'm admiring that view- I can't tell you enough how amazing it is to just soak it all in.
This is one of the highest peaks at Breckenridge. Behind me you could actually see the tippy-top of the mountain. It was pretty freaking awesome! My dad and I started going down, me a little slower than usual because it was insanely mogul-y (it was my first bowl!) and I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't nervous. I kept saying "Sh*t, I'm actually doing this. Sh*t, I'm actually doing this." to myself over and over again as I went down the mountain. I have to say, when I finally got to the bottom of the bowl and looked up I had a huge smile on my face, looked at my dad and yelled: "I skied down that thing!" acting so very proud of myself.
After that my dad and I went back to the condo- living to tell the tale of me skiing my first bowl.
I have a funny story- last year I wanted to do my first bowl and was just about to go on the Imperial Lift when they suddenly had an emergency team race past. There had been a call from the top, someone seriously injured them-self on the bowl. I took one look at the emergency team, looked at my dad, then said "nope not today" and walked out of the line.
Today I was feeling pretty fearless though, I thought if something bad happened to me at least I was doing something I loved and was having fun. Also, if you take your time you can do anything.
The weather conditions helped a lot too, clear blue skies and powder make a difference. Last year I remember it being very foggy and icy.
Not particularly anxious- still pretty shocked I actually went through with skiing that!
I guess something that's been bothering me still is my helmet- it really digs into my cochlear implant. I went back out to ski this afternoon and only went for 2 runs since it hurt so badly. I need to find a creative way to make room for the bulgy magnet on my head.
Honestly I kind of give up on school at this point- I want to enjoy my vacation, I'll take care of work when I get home. Sadly, it's already TWO days away. But I'm enjoying every bit of skiing while I can!
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