Merry Christmas!

I love this shirt- look at how Christmassy it is!!

My Atomic Skis and GOODE poles. I didn't realize my poles were GOODE so I started getting very excited and yelled about how my poles were very GOODE for skiing all the way to the slopes. I also yelled Life is GOODE. My family was annoyed to say the slightest by the time we got to the top.
Also, I just thought of something, my brain is rolling as I write this so bear with me. My skis are Atomic so that must mean that I'm as awesome as/as GOODE as the Atomic Bomb hahaha, I actually make myself laugh with my sense of humor! Is that sad? (PLEASE SAY NO!!!)

White Christmas's are my favorite kind!
(Also, I instagrammed this photo)
These butter cookies are absolutely delicious- I chowed down too many to count..
(Hint: these are sold at City Market)
This is what I wore skiing today- I also wore a sweatshirt on top. My hair always becomes a problem when I ski, I found braids to be the answer to that problem. Not to mention it also looks super cute!
I love this shirt- look at how Christmassy it is!!

My Atomic Skis and GOODE poles. I didn't realize my poles were GOODE so I started getting very excited and yelled about how my poles were very GOODE for skiing all the way to the slopes. I also yelled Life is GOODE. My family was annoyed to say the slightest by the time we got to the top.
Also, I just thought of something, my brain is rolling as I write this so bear with me. My skis are Atomic so that must mean that I'm as awesome as/as GOODE as the Atomic Bomb hahaha, I actually make myself laugh with my sense of humor! Is that sad? (PLEASE SAY NO!!!)
(I laugh at everything, it becomes a problem occasionally, but life's too short not to laugh or be happy)

White Christmas's are my favorite kind!
(Also, I instagrammed this photo)
I have this weird thing where I constantly feel the need to put my hands up in pictures.. Anyways, today was our first day of skiing and it was a blast! I got to try out my new skis that I just mentioned which fit me like a glove.
We spent most of our time at Peak 10 doing black runs. It was great skiing. I love the feeling of going down the mountain, feeling the cold clean air, and taking in the scenery every time I look up. The view is breathtaking let me tell you.
It's about 20 degrees right now (and snowing)- compared to the 66 degrees of Philly weather (and raining). Needless to say my body is not used to the cold so my face was freezing and I ended up taking my mom's face mask. Sorry mom..
I wasn't the only person who was affected by the weather, Anton's feet got so cold that we had to go to a warming hut at the top of the mountain. Two runs later we all went back in because I had a major brain freeze that became so bad it started to hurt and was not going away (like the kind you get from eating ice cream too fast) so we went back in for a lunch break.
We spent most of our time at Peak 10 doing black runs. It was great skiing. I love the feeling of going down the mountain, feeling the cold clean air, and taking in the scenery every time I look up. The view is breathtaking let me tell you.
More proof needed? I can assure you there will be more!
It's about 20 degrees right now (and snowing)- compared to the 66 degrees of Philly weather (and raining). Needless to say my body is not used to the cold so my face was freezing and I ended up taking my mom's face mask. Sorry mom..
I wasn't the only person who was affected by the weather, Anton's feet got so cold that we had to go to a warming hut at the top of the mountain. Two runs later we all went back in because I had a major brain freeze that became so bad it started to hurt and was not going away (like the kind you get from eating ice cream too fast) so we went back in for a lunch break.
I wore these slippers on my feet after coming back in. They are so toasty warm and (dare I say it) may even be better then fuzzy socks (shocker I know!)
So then after taking a coffee break my dad, older brother, and I went back to enjoy the slopes before it closed at 4. My mom stayed on the couch passed out and tired, and my younger brother joined her.
It was nice to go for a few more runs. My dad and older brother are a lot faster than me on the mountain and like to do moguls (which I dislike) so we split for a run. I got a little frustrated because I wasn't fast enough the last run and then I got sloppy since I was tired and the fresh powder was bumpy so I almost fell. After that run I went back inside to finish this blog post (which I worked on for a bit after lunch.) Now we're watching Men in Black as a family and Christmas dinner will be served soon. It'll be the same as last year's- Stuffed Peppers!
After that I think we'll put the fireplace on, play some board games, and chill out. I think I'm going to sign off now and enjoy this time with my family.
I hope you all had a nice Christmas with your families!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
I'm not that anxious except for the fact that school keeps popping up in the back of my mind :/
But I've been so excited to blog everyday now, it's great! I love looking back at posts and seeing what I've done. It's like a public journal that I get to share with the world. My own little piece on the internet.
I'm still listening to Christmas music on Pandora right now (Rockin' Holidays Station) and chilling.
Blog Changes: I changed the sidebar to make it look better. I need to be careful of what image I set as the thumbnail for each post so that it doesn't get too wonky. I also changed The Anxious Me's logo at the top of the page and the Favicon. Not sure if I want to do more, we'll see how it goes. I still like the way the rest of it looks. It's very me and the colors are also very me.
(Fun Fact: orange is my favorite color. The side of my skis have a stripe of orange which I love!)
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